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  2. Family & Friendship Book & Plush Gift Set
Family & Friendship Book & Plush Gift Set

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Explore these Family & Friendship Storytime Gift Sets!

MOTHER BRUCE (Giggle along with each hilarious mishap as Bruce tries to embrace an unexpected role in the multi-award-winning Mother Bruce book series by Ryan T. Higgins.) – perfect for ages 3 - 5

TINY T. REX (How will this tiny T. Rex give his friends a hug with such small arms, by the bestselling author Jonathan Stutzman and Jay Fleck.) – perfect for ages 2 - 5

ESCARGOT (Say ‘bonjour’ to the French snail, Escargot, your charming guide through the enchanting stories by Dashka Slater and Sydney Hanson.) – perfect for ages 2 - 5

MerryMakers is a small company that cares about big things. Our high-quality child-safe dolls and toys are based on the best children's book characters. Promoting imaginative play and literacy is job #1!
